Wednesday, October 10, 2007

9/23/2007 Alex and Nick on the couch, looking in the same direction and smiling at the same time! A true rarity!!!!
9/15/2007 Yardwork is a chore started at an early age in our house!
9/15/07 Playing in the sand box. Alex loves to pour sand from a level high enough to get into everyone's eyes and mouths!
This is a special setting on my new camera where it only has one color and the rest comes out in black and white - strange and artsy all in one button!
Alex likes to go "HIGHER!"
9/2/2007 Nick likes living and sitting on the edge, despite all of our warnings!!

A Day at the Zoo a month ago

9/2/2007 - Alex Feeding the Lorkeets
Nick and Alex playing with the periscope in the Aquarium Building
Nick sliding in the play area
Singing "Ring around the Rosey" at home. Nick loves to fall down, Alex not so much.
Alex's doggie getting a check up.