The issue of choosing to breastfeed the boys has come up A LOT. It seems that everyone has their two cents, at least. While I respect everyone else's opinions, there are many, many concrete reasons why David and I both feel that breastfeeding is best for our boys. It occurred to me that perhaps some of you don't know/haven't heard about some of the research that has been done on breastfeeding, and that may be why you don't support it. Most of that research has been done just in the last decade. I hope that you will take the time to look at some of this information, and then join us, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization in recognizing that "babies are born to be breastfed."
The word "Fanatic" has been tossed around recently when I was discussing breast feeling with someone, so I thought that a good place to start would be with the Department of Health and Human Services. To me, this government agency seems to be pretty much the opposite of fanatical. They really don't personally have much to gain by promoting breastfeeding; they provide the information as a public service. Check out their site:
If you don't feel like looking through that site, then please skim (or preferably read) "101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Baby." I had it copied below, but have changed it to a link because it is kind of lengthy but easy to skim. Some reasons are tongue and cheek, but any scientific research is clearly noted when applicable.
After reading about it, does our decision make more sense to you? We would love to talk to you about it if you are still hesitant to get "On Board." A lot of moms say they do it to bond with their baby, but I think there are many other ways to bond that are just as good - perhaps even better. For me, the ultimate reason for breastfeeding is the health of my boys. The body of evidence is just too great to be ignored. And even if all of the research is wrong (very unlikely), nothing has come out that says breastfeeding is bad for your babies. Every study I've seen indicates that breastfeeding is far superior to formulas feeding. I strongly feel that I want these boys to have every single advantage possible, and breastfeeding them is just one more way to provide those advantages. It would be SOOO much easier to formula feed. Especially now that I'm back at work. Pumping sucks - there's no other way to put it. But my boys are worth every bit of it and so much more!
If you still can't support it, I'm sorry. But in either case, I plan to breastfeed for a good, long time, so you may have to grin and bear it for awhile.
1 comment:
love your blog!! and keep it up with the breastfeeding... it's a sad commentary on society that we feel that we must justify one of the most natural and healthy things we can do for our babies. three cheers for boobs!
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