Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday = Nana and Poppy time

Mondays just don't hold the same meaning for the boys that they do for me! As I'm finishing up at the hospital, they are being cuddled and loved by Nana and

Nana is giving Alex a bath.

He is sad when bathtime is over, but he quickly recovers!

Nicholas is hangin' with Poppy. He's next up for bathtime with Nana!

Nick just loves his Nana!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kristy,

Alex and Nick are growing up so fast!

We are glad to see things are getting back to normal.(School, drill, work, babies) When do you sleep?

Uncle Mark and Aunt Aileen

Kristy said...

Thanks for dropping by!! I sleep when I should be cleanung the house or studying :-) I never realized how little time I spent cleaning and studying!