Saturday, August 27, 2005

Grandma and Grandpa visit!!

If we had to choose one word to describe the boys today it would be angry, grumpy, and inconsolable. Okay, so that's not one word, but we couldn't decide which of those three described them the best.
The boys did not sleep well at all last night. They had each been getting one good 5 - 7 hour stretch at night, and have reliably been asleep by 9:00 pm. Last night, though, they didn't really go to sleep until after 3:00 am; they just catnapped until that time. Once they finally slept, it didn't last long - just a few hours. They weren't grouchy when they first woke up, but they were pretty angry by about 10:00 am. Then they took turns with the grouchiness for the rest of the day.

Pat-a-cake, the tootsie version, and a little morning happiness

Alex and Grandma

Grandma and Grandpa Blum came up for a visit and to witness the grumpiness. Luckily, Grandma is an expert baby soother, and the boys each got a chance to nap on Grandma for a while. Grandpa got a little bit of happy play time with Alex and Nicholas. Even though they were grouchy, the boys couldn't help but smile at Grandma and Grandpa a few times each.

After Grandma and Grandpa left, we decided to take a chance and go to my Grandpa's house. Some of my Dad's side of the family were getting together, and we haven't seen them in quite awhile. The boys tolerated the visit fairly well for a couple of hours, and then let us know that they had enough. It was a noisy drive home!

Nicholas and Aunt Jenn, and Alex and Nana

Even though it was a grumpy day, there is just nothing imaginable that compares to our little guys. And once we got them home and they were bathed and fed - ohhh! There are no words to describe how sweet they are. We are so lucky!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Well, it has been a busy week! I finished up my Gastroenterology rotation, and somehow managed to get through the entire month without doing a single rectal exam! Woohoo!!! I was supposed to go to Toledo today to take my Ob/gyn shelf exam, but I chickened out big-time last night and decided I needed to study some more before taking it.

In addition to all of his normal work stuff, David is preparing for his Organic Chemistry final.

Busy, busy, busy and our house is a mess, mess, mess.

The boys are fantastic. They are home with me right now since I flaked out on my test. They are sleepy today, which has given me a little study/cleaning time. They aren't sleeping at the same times, though! It's kinda rainy outside, but we might go for a walk here in awhile if the drizzle takes a break. We never did make it out for a walk last Sunday. I got the stroller up from the basement just in time for the babies to simultaneously become very sad and angry.

The boys have been super smiley lately! It's much easier to get them to smile now, too! It is so wonderful to feel like we can actually interact with them a little bit. Alex has this shy, sly smile; Nicholas's entire body lights up - starting from his toes. They are so wonderful! How did we get so lucky to have such wonderful little boys???

I'll be posting some more pics very soon. Thanks for dropping by, and be sure to leave us a comment if you have a moment! We'd love to hear from you!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday = Nana and Poppy time

Mondays just don't hold the same meaning for the boys that they do for me! As I'm finishing up at the hospital, they are being cuddled and loved by Nana and

Nana is giving Alex a bath.

He is sad when bathtime is over, but he quickly recovers!

Nicholas is hangin' with Poppy. He's next up for bathtime with Nana!

Nick just loves his Nana!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Good Sunday Morning, Everyone! The boys are awake and ready for action already this morning. I think we are going for a stroller walk very soon!

Don't they look happy?

But soon, they had enough of the bouncy chairs. Daddy has Drill this weekend, so it's just me and the boys today.

A little lap time was desired. Obviously washing my hair was possible this morning, but styling it wasn't!! Oh well, the boys don't seem to mind.

Now, they are status post a diaper change.

Don't they look sad?

Don't worry, they'll be happy soon! Susan is coming down from Toledo to see the boys today, and Nana and Poppy will be by after church. But, the boys will be happiest once Daddy comes home!!! They love the "Tree in the Forrest" song that Daddy sings to them.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Poppy's pics

I know these aren't official smiles, but how can you not love these faces????

Poppy has taken some AMAZING pictures of the boys!!

These were all taken about a month ago (around the two month old time) on one of the many days that Nana and Poppy stopped by.

Why I think breastfeeding is so important

The issue of choosing to breastfeed the boys has come up A LOT. It seems that everyone has their two cents, at least. While I respect everyone else's opinions, there are many, many concrete reasons why David and I both feel that breastfeeding is best for our boys. It occurred to me that perhaps some of you don't know/haven't heard about some of the research that has been done on breastfeeding, and that may be why you don't support it. Most of that research has been done just in the last decade. I hope that you will take the time to look at some of this information, and then join us, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization in recognizing that "babies are born to be breastfed."

The word "Fanatic" has been tossed around recently when I was discussing breast feeling with someone, so I thought that a good place to start would be with the Department of Health and Human Services. To me, this government agency seems to be pretty much the opposite of fanatical. They really don't personally have much to gain by promoting breastfeeding; they provide the information as a public service. Check out their site:

If you don't feel like looking through that site, then please skim (or preferably read) "101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Baby." I had it copied below, but have changed it to a link because it is kind of lengthy but easy to skim. Some reasons are tongue and cheek, but any scientific research is clearly noted when applicable.

After reading about it, does our decision make more sense to you? We would love to talk to you about it if you are still hesitant to get "On Board." A lot of moms say they do it to bond with their baby, but I think there are many other ways to bond that are just as good - perhaps even better. For me, the ultimate reason for breastfeeding is the health of my boys. The body of evidence is just too great to be ignored. And even if all of the research is wrong (very unlikely), nothing has come out that says breastfeeding is bad for your babies. Every study I've seen indicates that breastfeeding is far superior to formulas feeding. I strongly feel that I want these boys to have every single advantage possible, and breastfeeding them is just one more way to provide those advantages. It would be SOOO much easier to formula feed. Especially now that I'm back at work. Pumping sucks - there's no other way to put it. But my boys are worth every bit of it and so much more!

If you still can't support it, I'm sorry. But in either case, I plan to breastfeed for a good, long time, so you may have to grin and bear it for awhile.

Welcome to the Blum Boys' Blog

Hello World!!

Alexander Thomas and Nicholas Andrew arrived on May 19, 2005 at 8:59 and 9:03 respectively.

Alex weighed 7 lbs and measured 19 3/4 inches.
Nicholas was 5 lbs 4 ounces and was 20 inches.

David and Kristy could not be more thrilled!

Obviously, a lot has happened since the arrival of our sons. It has been three months, now, since that wonderful Spring day that ended 38 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy and many, many years of anticipation. Much of it has been a blur, but it has been a joyous blur. Many, many sleepless nights, lots of crying, tons of cuddling, slippery little baths, and now fantastic smiles have occupied our time since our little guys arrived, and neither of us would trade it for anything!

May 27, 2005. Sooo tiny and soooo sweet!

May 31, 2005. Nana and Mommy washing two little heads!

Sad Alex!

Very Sad Nick!

The good news is that they like baths MUCH better now. Those sponge baths were no fun at all!

June 17, 2005. Almost one month old and napping together! It didn't take them long to outgrow these clothes!!!

June 27, 2005. I love this picture of Alex!!! David took it as Alex was just waking up from a nap.

July 1, 2005. As you can tell, we have our little guy, Nicholas, and our big guy, Alex.

Nicholas looking cute on July 20, 2005.

August 13, 2005. Hanging out in the crib after diaper changes. As the boys are getting older, they are starting to look more and more alike - much more like bothers now. Yes, they are starting to lock arms and hold hands!!

There is so much more we want to share with you all, but this is a start. These are just a few of the pictures that David and I have taken on the one camera that I happen to have the software for on my laptop. There will be many more updates to our boys' blog, so come back often.

Lots of love to you all!