Monday, June 03, 2013

It's been a long time!!

A lot has happened in the past couple of years! The boys have grown, and they continue to amaze and enchant me every single day.  Last year, I gave them each a hard covered printed book of this blog, and they love it!  They have used it to learn the history of their early years, and it is funny at how they "remember" the stories for which they've seen pictures and read blog posts. That, along with the fact that my laptop crashed last night, and I'm physically sick at the thought that I might have lost the last two years of pics, has made me acutely aware of how important this blog is! It's our history! And, it's a backup!!!

February 26, 2013 - H.R.H. Nick and his Edible Arrangement from Aunt Jenn, Uncle Ryan, Michael and Cassie. 

Nick had an inguinal hernia repaired at Nationwide Children's.  It was an exhausting day, but he did wonderfully and within a few days was his usually bouncy self. Nick is, by nature, incredibly bouncy. Watching him play Wii is like watching a basketball being dribbled. We were worried about how he'd do with the surgery and recovery - well, he did great!  He had been worried about the surgery, too, as it approached, but he was excited about getting to be "King for the Day."  I told him that he would get to do anything he wanted to do, and go anywhere he wanted to go, and eat anything he wanted to eat once the surgery was over.  It took a few hours before he was up for it.  His requests were very reasonable, but he did get a trip to Target and a Lego set out of it.

And the bonus was that Cassie and Michael got to stop by and deliver it (and eat some of it, too)!

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