To add to the lack of time, I was on my ICU rotation in the month of June, and at the end of the month, I was horrified to realize that I hadn't taken any pictures of the boys. We spent much of the month playing outside, going to the Zoo when we could, and playing with Water.
5/22/07 Outside playing with the house and the water sprinkler . . .
And the water table
They figured out very quickly that they can pick up the sprinkler, move it, and chase each other with it, which is why I took this picture from the deck. Alex is pointing to an airplane.
5/26/07 - They love to shout "WAKE UP" if you pretend to go to sleep. And then they jump on you! Alex is clearly looking forward to the jumping on Daddy part - as you can tell by that mischievous smile.
5/28/07 - We won't be able to do this much longer, but they still really enjoy sharing those bucket swings together! This is at Aunt Jenn's house. Nick is on the left; Alex is on the right.

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