They didn't do much trick-or-treating. We had practiced all week, but as we were getting out of the car at Nana's and Pop-pop's, they saw an older kid with a scary mask, and it really freaked them both out. We went home for a little trick-or-treating, and Alex did pretty well, but Nick wanted to turn back at the first scary house, which was the second house down from ours.
10/26/2008 All the kids at Michael's and Cassie's Halloween Party. Nick didn't want to hold the pose.
But he did want to boink Vampire Mickey on the nose
Trick or trunk at Nana's and Pop-pop's church. We were too early for the trick-or-trunking.
We also went to Boo at the Zoo that day. It's been fun every year so far.
Monkeys pretending to be a tiger and a frog.

The haunted train -- which is exactly the same as the non-haunted train that you can ride every other day of the year.
Alex sitting with Daddy.
The boys driving the boat at the Manatee exhibit.
The haunted train -- which is exactly the same as the non-haunted train that you can ride every other day of the year.