Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Trying Out Some Solid Foods

OK. So we got the go ahead to start solid foods last week. Since Alex is always up for eating, I thought he would be thrilled to try some solids. Nick has really not seemed so interested, but I thought, what the heck, we may as well try. 9/22 Alex looks like he is ready to eat
Here's a picture of the boys wearing the outfits that I thought we'd take them home from the hospital in. It doesn't translate well in the picture, but at 4 months old, the boys are still too small to wear these outfits. Perhaps starting solids will help them grow even faster?
Here's Nicholas showing off his bottle skills when he and Daddy were home together.
Well, we tried some cereal on Alex and he was not too thrilled. He will open his mouth for the spoon, but once the cereal hits his tongue he makes a sour face and spits it all right back out.
The same thing happened here with Nana trying to feed him bananas. He opens, tastes, and spits it out.
Nicholas, however, doesn't only look good with a spoon.
He likes it best when that spoon is filled with cereal. Basically from the very first bite, Nick has been a big fan of the solid foods. He's so funny. He'll start to shake his little arms and hands if you don't bring the spoonfuls quickly enough. As you can see, he already likes to try to do some of the feeding stuff on his own.
9/27 Alex today. Again, we tried the cereal, again he spit it right out. But, he did have fun playing with the spoon.
It just goes to show that these boys are always going to surprise me. I'm looking forward to the next surprise!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

4 months old = more shots!

The dreaded Pediatrician office visit was yesterday. Actually, I love our Pediatrician to pieces; I worked with her during my Pediatrics rotation for 3rd year, and she is absolutely wonderful. She would have to be in order to deal with nonstop crying which culminated into a screaming frenzy when it was time for the vaccinations. But enough about how I handled watching my little guys get shots.

At first, the Pedi was a little concerned because Alex has had a dip in his growth curve. He had been cruising along at the 10th percentile, and is now below that. This has occurred even though he is eating a TON (4 oz every 2 hours at daycare and nursing every 1.5 hours at home, which is much more than the average baby eats). So where the heck is it all going????? Well, he is exhibiting many signs of reflux, so she wrote for some Zantac for him (which Nicholas has been on since our last visit). We also got the go ahead to start some solid foods, and we are going to keep an eye on his weight. After examining him, Dr. Kumler felt much less concerned. He is very proportionate, strong, and developing perfectly. He has also been wetting and soiling the correct number of diapers each day, so he is definitely taking in enough.

Nicholas is looking great. He still isn't on the growth curve chart, but he is paralleling it perfectly on his own little curve. The doctor is very pleased with his growth and development. Actually, there has been a lot of discussion and disagreement in the Pediatric community about the amount of emphasis placed on the growth charts and their validitiy/accuracy. They have never shown any benefit for babies who put on a bunch of weight in infanthood versus those babies that put on weight more slowly yet are properly nourished. In fact, babies who have doubled their birth weights by 4 months are far more likely to become obese by age 7 and remain that way through adulthood. It just underscores how we still don't know jack about medicine. Good thing I'm shelling out a ton of cash to learn so much about so little! Oh well.

Nicholas was up first for shots, and I was feeding Alex when Nick got his first of four. Nick SCREAMED like I have not heard before, which of course freaked out Alex, David and me. It went about as well for Alex. I wish I could take the injections for them!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Poppy's pics part deux

We went to Nana and Poppy's house yesterday, after Poppy had finished a photo shot for a high school senior, and he took some GREAT pictures of the boys. He took over 230 pics and about 215 of them are keepers!!!!!!!! Since it will be so hard to decide which ones to print, I think we'll just have to mount a plasma screen tv and show a continuous slide show of them! Alex, pumpkin, Nicholas
Nicholas and Alex in super fancy black and white, except for their blue eyes Nicholas and Alex All of us
Halloween Alex
Halloween Nicholas

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Wow, it's been a more than a week since my last post?!? Time does fly. The other part of the problem is that my camera needs new batteries (again) which I have in the bedroom. But, every time the boys are being cute , which is whenever they're awake and not crying, I don't want to leave them to get the batteries. When they're asleep, I forget we need the batteries! I'd get them now, but, I'm trying to let David get a little extra sleep this morning.

The boys have been great this week! I soooooo wish I could post video on this site, because Alex had his first giggle fit this week. Nana was getting him ready for a bath and was giving him razzy bellies, and he really let lose with the laughter. The hilarious thing was that in between the giggles, he was almost crying (his chin was quivering, tears forming, etc). It was like his own laughter was scaring him!!!!!! It was the sweetest thing! Alex even briefly sat up unsupported last night! I could have let him go longer, but I was shocked and afraid he would topple over. We'll practice that one more today.

Nicholas has been cooing and smiling like CRAZY! Right now, he is looking at me and the ceiling fan and just smiling as big as possible! SOOOOOOO cute. He is also rolling from back to side and from stomach to back now, too.

They are both just taking off, developmentally.

I will be posting more pics before the end of the weekend, so come back and check when you have time!

Drop us a comment if you can! We'd love to hear from you all!

Friday, September 09, 2005


I know it was a short week, but I'd just really rather be home with the boys. I bought some hats for them today, so that daycare wouldn't cake anymore sunscreen in their hair before going outside. We thought they looked adorable!Nicholas and AlexanderAlex has been really trying to stand up a lot! Of course, he's nowhere near ready for this, but he loves to stand up and support a little of his own weight when we hold him. His trunk control and head/neck control are on the money! Big boy standing

This was on Wednesday, David's Birthday. As you can see it was party, party, party at the Blum house.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Happy Birthday, David!!!!!

We love you and hope you have a GREAT birthday!!!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back to daycare after the long weekend

Subdued Alexander and Nicholas at o'dark thirty

Sunday, September 04, 2005

What a great day!

We had a bunch of fun today! We celebrated David's birthday today; his birthday is actually this coming Wednesday, but there is just no time to try to celebrate through the week by the time we get home from work and get the boys changed, calmed, fed, bathed, re-fed and asleep. So, we had Dave's and my parents and my sister and her family over for a Sunday dinner (aka lunch). This was the first time we have hosted a "real dinner" at our house since the babies were born. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't get anything made, and that we'd have to order in pizza or chinese. But the babies were WONDERFUL this morning. I fed them and they fussed on and off for about 45 minutes before they went back to sleep until 11:00 (!). I still didn't have the food on the table when everyone got there, but I'm a little rusty at the cooking a big dinner thing.

Stan and Louise (Grandma and Grandpa) arrived first, and Grandpa was getting huge smiles from the boys right off the bat! The boys were thrilled to see Grandma and Grandpa!

Grandpa and Nick

Grandpa and boys
Next, Jen, Ryan and Michael showed, followed shortly thereafter by Nana and Poppy. For lunch, we had a roast, mashed potatoes, gravy (that Stan liked), roasted veggies, crescent rolls, and crudite (that no one ate, or so I think). Alex has really started grabbing things today. Here, he is holding a bow from one of David's gifts.

The boys had a good time and were loved up by everyone! David enjoyed his birthday and got lots of great gifts! He even enjoyed the cakes (store bought - bad, bad wife). Yes, there were two - chocolate with white icing and a german chocolate cake. The boys were quite happy when Nana stayed to give them baths.

It was a fun day, and we're all tired now!

Just ate!

Hangin'on the nursing pillow this morning

Happy boys - Alexander and Nicholas

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Nicholas on August 14th

Friday, September 02, 2005

Pics from today

9/02 - Extreme close up of Alex
Extreme close up of Nicholas
I had to get a bunch of pictures of them holding hands!!

Sooooo cute!!
Every bit helps

Pics from earlier this week

8/31 Alex is smiling at Nana and Poppy

Alex having fun with Poppy

Nicholas is putty in Nana's arms

Nick slept very soundly.

8/28 Nicholas and Alex sitting on Daddy

Daddy and Alex
Nicholas lost his binkie